Tuesday, January 24, 2006

My first blog post! What this is all about..

This isn't just my first blog on this site, but my first blog ever :)

I will post posting updates on my sites and internet life on my blog.
I run a few websites for a living and I am slowly but surely building up a profitable network.

I decided to change from working
I will be detailing my progress with my network of sites and how its going with trying to live off my sites.

My current sites are:

www.DeuceAce.com - DeuceAce is my latest site that I started from scratch. It is growing very quickly and already providing a good income. I am aiming to create a poker community with a mature atmosphere.

www.AllDotNet.com - AllDotNet is currently a general directory with over 12000 sites listed. I will be working on changing AllDotNet to a general portal with a number of site sections, the next will be an entertainment section.

www.WebmasterForums.NET - WebmasterForums.NET is...you guessed it, a forum for webmasters. I am trying to diversify the site to include more, for example a directory for webmasters, free scripts and tools and a lot of unique tutorials and interviews with well known webmasters.

I have a lot of other smaller sites but I will be selling those off and using the money to invest in and improve the 3 above.

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