Saturday, December 22, 2007

Look who it is


I haven't done a blog post in months simply because I'm just way too busy and I'm spending my time on my sites that are earning my income when I'm online.

I am spending less time online now and trying to work during certain hours only and getting everything done within that time using a schedule rather than wasting lots of time going around sites (Although everyday I end up behind schedule doing exactly that :p )

My sites are doing great, income has gone up a lot and I am making a regular income even when I'm not working, which is great, who can beat making money without having to work for it!!

So what has happened since I last posted?

  • I have been to Gran Canaria and Tenerife
  • I am planning to move to Gran Canaria
  • I went diving twice which was totally amazing! First time my nose started bleeding from the pressure and second time I had to come up from the pain in my ears :( My right ear was a bit deaf for around 2 weeks after but I would love to do it again
  • I have started a few new sites (My latest is launching in Jan - Online Tourneys)
  • I kept DeuceAce (Great move! It is doing great and really helping to develop my poker network)
  • I have started to build a nice network
  • I have been searching for good coders (Found one so far, only took me 3 months ;))
  • My car was broken into and everything inside stolen (ipod, dvd player, cd player, lots of elecs) then they tried to hotwire it, ripping out the ignition and all wires but couldn't get it going
  • My car was broken into (A few days later) and left in the city centre
  • My car was towed and IIIIIIII got a fine of £280 (Over $560) because it was in the city centre abandoned plus another fine of getting it brought back to my house of £100 (Over $200)
  • My car was fined £200 (Over $400) for sitting outside my driveway untaxed (The car was untaxed because I wasn't using that one and I had it put as off the road for my driveway) - It was a few feet away because my driveway is uphill and it couldnt be pushed, a bit hard trying to start a car without an ignition or wires!
  • I got a bill for £166 (Over $332) because the car was off my driveway while being registered as untaxed (All this within a few months grrrrr - I could have bought a car with all the fines lol)
  • I have been playing a lot more poker (Starting to get more time for poker now that I am just working on my sites during certain times or limiting how long I am working so I have a lot more free time) Enough of the car! lol
  • Totally redecorated my place (Looking great now!)
  • My income has most likely doubled
  • I'm making recurring income even without working through affiliating
  • I sent a present to my fav affiliate manager, Martyn Beacon from BetFred. Look at the bottom of this post if you want to see what I got him!

So how has everyone else been doing?

I'm thinking about trying to get some sites up and running that I don't have to do any work on, most of my sites right now need a lot of work to keep them running, I can leave them for a week at most but after that they start to die.

This year I'm not going to my Aunty's for Christmas, I'm staying in my own house.
I have really got into cooking so I'm sure it will either be a masterpiece or a complete disaster lol.

I'm also getting a really bad back from so much work and leaning over a table, so I decided to go for something different.

I bought a chair which is actually meant to be for gaming, music, movies etc. but its great.
Its called an x rocker II

It is really comfortable but I haven't bothered to hook it up to anything like the DVD player etc. because I doubt I would use it for that, its just something comfortable to work on and watch TV if I want to.

It has a huge bass speaker on the back and 2 speaker at the top of the headrest, I'm sure it would sound great when its hooked up, but that's a bit too much work.

I'm getting a new business card done for DeuceAce and Online Tourneys which should have been complete days ago but I haven't been able to get the designer very often.

I really hope its done just after new years because I have a few things going here and need them printed to hand them out.

Talking about New Years.....Who is getting me a birthday present????

Since I sent Martyn one, I think at least one person should send me a present and get one back on their birthday ;)

Email me @ john @ deuceace . com if you want my address to send the porshe (Or anything else you can muster) to.

So....If your waiting to see what I got Martyn......

Look no further than..........................................

My Little Pony!

N Yep, I really sent this to Martyn lol.

  • Decorate and style 'Star Catcher' the 9in Pegasus Pony with her beautiful long hair!

  • She is white but has a colour gradient underneath so when 'decorated' the colours show through.

  • Cold activates the colour and drawings will disappear with heat.

  • Comes with an ice cube tray, decorating bottles and stickers.

  • For ages 3 years and over.

Hope he is old enough to play with it.

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